Monday, October 15, 2007

Auditions Day 2

Day 2 of the auditions were tonight. I saw different actors & actress than from the first night. A few from the first night were there too. I think everything went more 'smoothly' tonight as I had already been through it once before. Charla, my sister, was off of work so she came out and helped me. She was a big help to me and it was good to have someone there I knew and had worked with before. My assistance from last night, Jennifer, was there and asked if she could do anything tonight. I got to thank her personally for helping me the other night with everything.

The auditions went good tonight and now it's time for me to let them all soak in and look at the tape again. I have a pretty good idea for the actress that I want for the main female lead. About 85% sure. Tomorrow is 'call-backs' where I'll call in my picks and they'll come and play off each other. This way I can get to know them a bit better at this stage as well. Then by tomorrow night I should have my cast pretty much set with rehearsals starting on Wednesday.

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